Sunday, January 06, 2008

Assorted Stuff

Hi everyone,
During the year, every so often we'd see something unusual that reminds you that you are in a foreign country. If I had the camera, I'd try to snap a picture. Here are some of those assorted pictures from the past year....

Right by my office there is a building with this sign. What the heck is "jorkyball?" It doesn't even have a very French sound to it.

Let's get Jorky

Food shacks vary tremendously from place to place as this snailmobile shows. I don't think he'd see many customers in the US.


We see a lot of bad ads here. Here Quick jumps on the spiderman bandwagon in a disgusting looking ad. Bleech!


and you get the names where you wonder if they checked their English


Drug Opera

A block away from us is a bar called "Le Spleen."

What do you think of this house sir? Excellent floorplan and location, just one minor nit. There's a gigantic billboard in your front yard.

The floor numbering in Europe can be confusing at first. The first floor is our second floor. The ground floor is 0 and so on. I guess it is better than buttons like "mezz" but is this kind of arrangement helpful?


Then we sometimes see signs of our friends
The Edwin 2



For fans of Red Hat Linux, why not work on this street?
Chapeau Rouge

Finally, the French love to poke fun at the Germans, and why not? As a temporary France resident, here's two pictures of mine from Germany that make me smile. Ha ha! Those Germans!


Dangerous Street...
Dangerous Street

1 comment:

Jim Pravetz said...

Is it coincidence that D.U.M.P. follows Spiderman Burger? DUMP and Fahrtgasse are my favourites, which tells you where my mind is. :-)